Saturday, August 1, 2009

Start first with Budgeting your Expenses

A budget is the most fundamental and most effective financial management tool available to anyone.

Yes, anyone—whether you are earning thousands of dollars a year, or hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. It is extremely important to know how much money you have to spend, and where you are spending it.

Budgeting and Investing are Different Topics

Yes, some of your "spending" might be for investments, but there is an important distinction between creating a personal budget and deciding where to invest your extra income. A budget is the first and most important step towards maximizing the power of your money.

What is in it for you?

Just about everything. A carpenter would never start work on a new house without a blueprint. You would not get in a car for a cross-country road trip without a map (we hope not). An aerospace firm would not build a rocket booster without a detailed set of design specifications. Yet many of us find ourselves in the circumstance of getting out on our own and making, spending, and investing money without a plan to guide us.

Budgeting is about planning. And planning is crucial to produce a desired result.

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